29 Oca

What If Varix Remains Untreated?

What If Varix Remains Untreated?

Varix may go subtle for a long time without causing any pain or other complaints. This is why many people consider this condition merely as a cosmetic problem and thus do not get any exams made for it. And yet varices constitute a significant health issue. Varix resulting from loss of functionality of valves should not be neglected. Otherwise it would become symptomatic.

Sensation of pain may be so intense to cause heaviness by compressing on peripheral tissues. Long time standing or sitting would make the pain more prominent with a negative impact of life comfort of the patient.

Sensation of numbness and tingling: varices may cause sensations of numbness and tingling particularly in nighttime when left untreated. This would impair the sleep quality of the patient with a considerable effect on his/her quality of life.

Swelling and edema: as varices progress, they cause swelling and edema. Edema resulting from fluid leak into the veins cause discomfort for the patient.

Venous ulcers: also known as leg wounds, venous ulcers occur in advanced varicose problems. Wounds formed as a result of venous cracks resist to heal for a long time and may be exposed to infection.

Varicose formation should never be underestimated and should be treated at an early phase. Varices, which are treatable with many methods today can be handled quite easily.

Non-Surgical Treatment Modalities

Today, it is possible to treat varices with many new modalities thanks to technological advancements. Such modalities may be listed as follows:

  • Foam therapy
  • Glue therapy
  • Radio frequency therapy
  • Lase therapy
  • Operative therapy
  • Needle therapy

Any patient applying to vascular surgeons for varices first undergo a thorough examination with various modalities including color Doppler USG, computed tomography, MRI and venography. These modalities would give information on the vascular health detecting any veins with varicose formations and providing information on the stage of the disease. Proper treatment planning should follow.

Although surgical treatment of varix is less preferred today, it should be remembered that it is “the golden standard” for treatment of this disease.

Today, we perform varix surgery from very small incisions and reduce the chances of scarring by using aesthetic suturing techniques.

Furthermore, in recurrent varices, surgery seems to be the only option.

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